Nhiberante Interface code 模板文件 -用于Mygeneration

<%#REFERENCE System.Windows.Forms.dll %>
<%#NAMESPACE System, System.Text, System.Collections, Zeus, Zeus.UserInterface, Zeus.DotNetScript, Microsoft.Win32 %>

public class GeneratedGui : DotNetScriptGui
    public GeneratedGui( ZeusGuiContext context ) : base( context ) {}

    GuiTextBox classNamespace;
    GuiTextBox txtAssembly;
    GuiTextBox outputPath;
    GuiTextBox memberPrefix;
    GuiCheckBox chkUseNull;
    //GuiCheckBox chkDontCreateFK;
    GuiCheckBox chkEqualsHashCode;
    GuiCheckBox chkReadOnly;
    GuiCheckBox chkClass;
    GuiCheckBox chkMapping;
    GuiCheckBox chkLazyClass;
    GuiCheckBox chkEnableNullTypes;
    public override void Setup()
        RegistryKey reg ;
        reg = Registry.CurrentUser;
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("Software");
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("DDLLY");
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("NHibernateScript");
        if ( !input.Contains( "chooseTables" ) || !input.Contains( "txtPath" ) ||
                ( !input.Contains( "chkClass" ) && !input.Contains( "chkNaming" ) ) )
            ui.Title = "DDL NHibernate Object Mapping";
            ui.Width = 600;
            ui.Height = 550;
            // Grab default output path
            string sOutputPath = "";
            if( input.Contains( "defaultOutputPath" ) ) 
                sOutputPath = input["defaultOutputPath"].ToString();

            //Posiciona a pasta no registro
            reg = Registry.CurrentUser;
            reg = reg.OpenSubKey("Software\\DDLLY\\NHibernateScript");

            // Setup Folder selection input control.
            GuiLabel label1 = ui.AddLabel( "label1", "输出路径:", "输出路径" );
            label1.Width = 200;
            outputPath = ui.AddTextBox( "outputPath", sOutputPath, "输出路径" );
            outputPath.Width = 450;
            outputPath.Text = (string)reg.GetValue("outputPath", sOutputPath);
            GuiFilePicker selectPath = ui.AddFilePicker( "selectPath", "选择路径", "选择路径", "outputPath", true );
            selectPath.Top = outputPath.Top;
            selectPath.Width = 100;
            selectPath.Left = outputPath.Left + outputPath.Width + 20;
            GuiLabel label2 = ui.AddLabel( "label2", "命名空间: ",  "命名空间" );
            label2.Top = outputPath.Top + 30;
            label2.Width = 265;
            classNamespace = ui.AddTextBox( "classNamespace", "NHibernate", "命名空间" );                
            classNamespace.Top = label2.Top + 20;
            classNamespace.Width = label2.Width;
            classNamespace.Text = (string)reg.GetValue("classNamespace", "NHibernate");
            GuiLabel label3 = ui.AddLabel( "label3", "私有成员前缀: ", "私有成员前缀" );
            label3.Width = 80;
            label3.Top = classNamespace.Top + 30;
            label3.Left = label2.Left; //Width + 20;
            memberPrefix = ui.AddTextBox( "memberPrefix", "m_", "" );
            memberPrefix.Width = 80;
            memberPrefix.Top = label3.Top + 20;
            memberPrefix.Left = label2.Left;
            memberPrefix.Text = (string)reg.GetValue("memberPrefix", "m_");
            GuiLabel label20 = ui.AddLabel ("label20", "程序集:",  "程序集");
            label20.Width = 160;
            label20.Top = classNamespace.Top + 30;
            label20.Left = label2.Left + 85;
            txtAssembly = ui.AddTextBox("txtAssembly", "Business.Data", "程序集");
            txtAssembly.Width = 180;
            txtAssembly.Top = label3.Top + 20;
            txtAssembly.Left = classNamespace.Left + 85;
            txtAssembly.Text = (string)reg.GetValue("Assembly", "NHibernate");
            // Setup Database selection combobox.
            GuiLabel label4 = ui.AddLabel( "label4", "选择一个数据库:", "选择一个数据库" );
            label4.Width = label2.Width;
            GuiComboBox chooseDatabase = ui.AddComboBox( "chooseDatabase", "选择一个数据库" );
            chooseDatabase.Top = label4.Top + 20;
            chooseDatabase.Width = label2.Width;
            GuiLabel label5 = ui.AddLabel( "label5", "选项:", "选项" );
            label5.Width = 150;
            label5.Top = label2.Top;
            label5.Left = label2.Width + 20;

            chkClass = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkClass", "创建类文件", getBool(reg.GetValue("Class", "true")), "创建类文件(*.cs)" );
            chkClass.Width = 150;
            chkClass.Top = label5.Top + 20;
            chkClass.Left = label5.Left;
            chkMapping = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkMapping", "创建XML映射文件", getBool(reg.GetValue("Mapping", "true")), "创建XML映射文件 (*.hbm.xml)" );
            chkMapping.Width = 150;
            chkMapping.Top = chkClass.Top + 20;
            chkMapping.Left = chkClass.Left;

            chkReadOnly = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkReadOnly", "只读访问", getBool(reg.GetValue("ReadOnly", "false")), "创建只读访问对象和映射" );
            chkReadOnly.Width = 130;
            chkReadOnly.Top = chkClass.Top;
            chkReadOnly.Left = chkClass.Left + chkClass.Width + 20;

            chkLazyClass = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkLazyClass", "启用Lazy类", getBool(reg.GetValue("LazyClass", "false")), "启用Lazy类" );
            chkLazyClass.Width = 130;
            chkLazyClass.Top = chkReadOnly.Top + 20;
            chkLazyClass.Left = chkReadOnly.Left;

            chkUseNull = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkUseNull", "在构造函数中使用Null", getBool(reg.GetValue("UseNull", "true")), "在构造函数中使用Null" );
            chkUseNull.Width = 200;
            chkUseNull.Top = chkMapping.Top + 20;
            chkUseNull.Left = chkMapping.Left;
            chkDontCreateFK = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkDontCreateFK", "不创建外键类引用", getBool(reg.GetValue("DontCreateFK", "true")), "不创建外键类引用" );
            chkDontCreateFK.Width = 300;
            chkDontCreateFK.Top = chkUseNull.Top + 20;
            chkDontCreateFK.Left = chkMapping.Left;
            chkEqualsHashCode = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkEqualsHashCode", "创建Equals和GetHashCode", getBool(reg.GetValue("EqualsHashCode", "true")), "创建Equals和GetHashCode" );
            chkEqualsHashCode.Top = chkMapping.Top + 20;
            chkEqualsHashCode.Left = chkMapping.Left;
            chkEqualsHashCode.Width = chkUseNull.Width;
            chkEnableNullTypes = ui.AddCheckBox( "chkEnableNullTypes", "启用nullable类型", getBool(reg.GetValue("EnableNullTypes", "true")), "在.Net2.0中启用nullable类型" );
            chkEnableNullTypes.Top = chkEqualsHashCode.Top + 20;
            chkEnableNullTypes.Left = chkMapping.Left;
            chkEnableNullTypes.Width = chkUseNull.Width;

            // Setup Tables selection multi-select listbox.
            GuiLabel label7 = ui.AddLabel( "label7", "选择表:", "选择表" );
            label7.Top = chooseDatabase.Top + 30;
            label7.Width = label2.Width;
            GuiListBox chooseTables = ui.AddListBox( "chooseTables", "选择表" );
            chooseTables.Width = label7.Width;
            chooseTables.Height = 200;
            chooseTables.Top = label7.Top + 20;
            // Setup Views selection multi-select listbox.
            GuiLabel label8 = ui.AddLabel( "label8", "选择视图", "选择视图" );
            label8.Top = label7.Top ;
            label8.Left =  label7.Width + 20;
            label8.Width = chooseTables.Width;
            GuiListBox chooseViews = ui.AddListBox( "chooseViews", "选择视图" );
            chooseViews.Top = label8.Top + 20;
            chooseViews.Left = label8.Left;
            chooseViews.Width = label8.Width;
            chooseViews.Height = chooseTables.Height;
            // Attach the onchange event to the cmbDatabases control.
            setupDatabaseDropdown( chooseDatabase );
            chooseDatabase.AttachEvent( "onchange", "chooseDatabase_onchange" );
            GuiButton btnSave = ui.AddButton("btnSave", "Save", "保存改变");
            btnSave.AttachEvent("onclick", "btnSave_onclick");

            ui.ShowGui = true;
            ui.ShowGui = false;
    public void setupDatabaseDropdown( GuiComboBox Databases )
            if( MyMeta.IsConnected )
                Databases.BindData( MyMeta.Databases );
                if( MyMeta.DefaultDatabase != null ) 
                    Databases.SelectedValue = MyMeta.DefaultDatabase.Alias;
                    bindTables( Databases.SelectedValue );
                    bindViews( Databases.SelectedValue );
    public void bindTables( string sDatabase )
        int count = 0;
        GuiListBox lstTables = ui["chooseTables"] as GuiListBox;
            IDatabase db = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
            lstTables.BindData( db.Tables );
    public void bindViews( string sDatabase )
        int count = 0;
        GuiListBox lstViews = ui["chooseViews"] as GuiListBox;
            IDatabase db = MyMeta.Databases[sDatabase];
            lstViews.BindData( db.Views );
    public void chooseDatabase_onchange( GuiComboBox control )
        int count = 0;

        GuiComboBox cmbDatabases = ui["chooseDatabase"] as GuiComboBox;
        bindTables( cmbDatabases.SelectedText );
        bindViews( cmbDatabases.SelectedText );

    private bool getBool(object valor){
        return  Boolean.Parse((string) valor);
    public void btnSave_onclick(GuiButton btnSave)
        RegistryKey reg ;
        reg = Registry.CurrentUser;
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("Software");
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("DDLLY");
        reg = reg.CreateSubKey("NHibernateScript");
        reg.SetValue("classNamespace", classNamespace.Text);
        reg.SetValue("Assembly", txtAssembly.Text);
        reg.SetValue("EnableNullTypes", chkEnableNullTypes.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("outputPath", outputPath.Text);
        reg.SetValue("memberPrefix", memberPrefix.Text);
        //reg.SetValue("DontCreateFK", chkDontCreateFK.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("UseNull", chkUseNull.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("EqualsHashCode", chkEqualsHashCode.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("ReadOnly", chkReadOnly.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("Class", chkClass.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("Mapping", chkMapping.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("LazyClass", chkLazyClass.Value.ToString());
        reg.SetValue("EnableNullTypes", chkEnableNullTypes.Value.ToString());

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